Cloud Hosting Solution

Advantages of Symantec Endpoint Protection

Symantec Endpoint Protection is an endpoint security solution designed to provide a layered approach to defense. Leveraging the power of Symantec's Global Intelligence Network, it detects and removes more malware than any other product in its class. With a single client and management console, Symantec Endpoint Protection provides advanced protection across multiple platforms both physical and virtual.

Symantec Endpoint Protection goes beyond antivirus to deliver faster, more advanced protection against today’s sophisticated and targeted attacks. Protection layers include firewall, intrusion prevention and anti-virus. Symantec’s unique Insight reputation technology facilitates faster scan times. This industry leading solution features a single high-powered agent with advanced management capabilities and support for multiple operating systems.

WHUK is offering Symantec Endopint Protection with all the Windows VPS, Windows Public and Private Cloud, Windows Semi-Dedicated and Dedicated Servers.